Garden Update After 2 Months
After 2 months passed, there are some changes that have been made in our veggie garden. Being very prolific, we just planted our basil plants in spots where there aren't anything that's been planted on. My tomato plants are not yielding any fruits anymore from lack of nutrients in the soil and very hot midday sun. So we pulled them off and will let the soil rest for awhile and fertilize by adding a few garden/kitchen scraps and wait for another 2-3 months... which I have not yet done since I'm a bit busy as of these past few days. We have also added a third bed for bellpeppers, which can be seen in the foreground of the picture below. The 2nd bed: Bellpeppers and oregano, among others. My oregano plants. Very hardy and prolific. Lemon mint (I think...): The leaves contain menthol, these will be great for making massage oil since it really gives off a scent like Vicks. Rosemary plants have grown since my last picture 2 months ago. I used this recently in my porkchop dish...